Monday, 28 May 2012

How to earn Money From Blogging

Earn Money From Blogging

Blogging is spreading very fast.People from around the world are using blogging to earn some Money, So the Question is How you can earn Money Through Blogs?

  OK now i am gonna share How you can earn money through blogging. What you need is to setup a blog. Now if you are new in the world of blogging you might be asking where to make blogs? See best blogging platform section, hope you will find your answer.

Now we should move forward to How to make money from blogging. Who pay us? and why?
Now a days internet had become the biggest market for the major companies. They are using internet to market their products.There are many marketing platforms like Google Adsense, click sore which offer those companies to market their products on internet using their services.
So what they do?
Google Adsense is the biggest profit sharing platform which offers you to show their ads on your website or blog and When some One visit your site and click on their ads they pay you approx 68% of the earning.
Google Adsense is the best in the per Click rate they pay you handsome amount. They pay us the money to display their ads on our websites. But you are not allowed to click on your own ads. like on ads displaying on your websites if you did They will block your account and you will get nothing.
So What i need to do to earn from Google adsense??

 Step 1: First you need to do a Keyword Research (its very important i will write on How to do keyword research latter)

Step 2: Go to and create a new blog and write some good content onto it.

Step 3: Try to increase traffic of your blog (doing SEO, or using Social media)

Step 4: Once You have posted enough content and you have good traffic to your blog you should go and apply for an adsense account. In a Week you will get the Confirmation of your adsense account.

Step 5: Once you got approved from adsense account now you need to display their ads on your website. and try to increase your traffic because more
traffic = more clicks and more clicks = More Earning :)

You can even earn thousands of dollers without doing anything you just need to do is setup up a blog through blogging  and do Some SEO ( Search Engine Optimization) and Once your blog is on top of google search engine you will be getting more traffic and clicks that means you are getting more money. :) without doing anything. :)
Check out this fantastic Ebook which helps me a lot in earning money online Click here for 1,000 Ways to Make Money!